2014 ICPSR Scholarship Recipients

The ICPSR Summer Program would like to recognize and congratulate the 2014 ICPSR Scholarship awardees!

This year's applicant pool was the largest and most competitive ever. Our applicants included exemplary graduate students and pre-tenure scholars dedicated to the use and development of statistical and mathematical research methods in the fields of developmental psychology, education, electoral behavior, political science, public administration, public policy, quantitative history, and sociology. With more outstanding applicants than we had scholarships to award, our scholarship review committee was faced with an extremely difficult selection process. We would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who submitted an application for an ICPSR Scholarship.

Listed below are this year's ICPSR Scholarship awardees, who will receive a tuition waiver to the 2014 Summer Program's four-week sessions. We hope you'll join us in congratulating them!

Recipients of the Warren E. Miller Scholarship

  • Brittnee Carter
  • Eric Guntermann
  • Nathanael Sumaktoyo

Recipients of the Jerome M. Clubb Scholarship

  • Sarah Mason Garrison
  • Amy Li

Recipients of the Clifford C. Clogg Scholarship in Political Science

  • Edana Beauvais
  • Pascal Doray-Demers
  • Chelsea Goforth
  • Karen Jazayeri
  • Florian Justwan
  • Xiao Ma
  • Ata-Ul Munim
  • Giorleny Altamirano Rayo
  • Alan Zarychta

Recipients of the Clifford C. Clogg Scholarship in Sociology

  • Camila Alvarez
  • Julia Arroyo
  • Peter Barr
  • Zoe Caplan
  • Will McConnell
  • Jean Nava
  • Eunkyung Song
  • Diego Andres Lugo Vivas

Recipients of the Scholarship for Education Research

  • John Dreier
  • Tyler Matta
  • Adaurennaya Onyewuenyi

Recipients of the Scholarship for Developmental, Child, & Family Psychology

  • Juan Del Toro
  • Bonnie Mackintosh
  • Rose Maier

Recipients of the Scholarship for Public Administration, Public Policy, and Public Affairs

  • Christopher Aguilera
  • Lisa Frazier
  • Melissa McShea