Support the Summer Program

Since its founding in 1962, the ICPSR Summer Program has been the leader for training in research methodologies and technologies used across the social, behavioral, and medical sciences. This transformative experience has helped researchers from across the world make innovative discoveries in their respective fields of study.

The generosity of donors has provided support to many program participants over the years, but there has always been a significant gap between the number of scholarship applications we receive and the number we can fund. In 2020, 524 outstanding applicants vied for just 58 ICPSR scholarships.

You can change that.

Introducing an exciting new opportunity to help support the next generation of Summer Program participants: YOU can be the reason that next year's funding-limited participant has the opportunity to learn from leaders in the field, advance their data science and analysis skills, and change the world.

Gifts to this fund will provide scholarship support to program applicants who would otherwise face financial barriers to participating in the Summer Program.

To learn more about how to partner with us, please contact ISR's Director of Development, Henry Jewell.