Classroom Exercises

Data-Driven Learning Guides

Stand-alone exercises that use online data analysis to teach social science concepts

These standardized exercises introduce (or reinforce) key concepts in the social sciences by guiding students through a series of questions and related data analyses. Analyses are preset so students can focus on content rather than mechanics of data analysis. To assist instructors with selection, guides are also categorized by the most sophisticated statistical test presented in the exercise.

View All (You can filter by analysis method on the results screen.)

Exercise Set (Modules)

These resources are made up of sequenced activities. Exercise Sets are often appropriate for Research Methods courses and more substantively focused courses.

Navigating around restricted data:

Tips and tools for finding available data related to restricted topics in ICPSR

Are you looking for data but running into restricted data? Do you not qualify for restricted data access but have research topics that deal with restricted topics? Do you lack enough time to go through the IRB or data use agreement process?

Navigating restricted data

Understanding data vs summary statistics

How to identify and search around restricted data in ICPSR

ICPSR searches on restricted topics

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Exploring ICPSR data using GIS:

A Guide to Mapping ICPSR Data in R Studio

Many ICPSR datasets could be explored in the context of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis. This resource includes a tutorial and practice exercises that will introduce data users (including students) to GIS analysis.