
Growth of ICPSR

Year Revenues Member Institutions Staff
1962-63 $64,300 25 --
1967-68 $606,403 127 64
1972-73 $900,300 148 46
1977-78 $1,398,676 224 62
1982-83 $2,044,061 270 62
1987-88 $2,561,497 325 55
1992-93 $4,319,217 378 80
1997-98 $5,758,023 369 91
2002-03 $9,883,979 373 112
2007-08 $16,265,086 657 106
2009-10 $19,148,425 700 118
2012-13 $18,826,424 740 115
2013-14 $18,214,116 750 108
2014-15 $17,165,381 759 110
2014-15 $17,165,381 759 110
2015-16 $18,220,374 765 108
2016-17 $18,837,261 759 106
2017-18 $18,423,431 778 106
2018-19 $17,300,000 785 96
2019-20 $16,400,000 791 123
2020-21     146

Establishment of Special Topic Archives

Year Archive Established
1962 Survey Data Archive
1966 Historical Archive
1968 International Relations Archive
1976 National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging (NACDA)
1978 National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD)
1995 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Data Archive(SAMHDA)
1996 International Archive of Education Data (IAED)
1998 Health and Medical Care Archive (HMCA)
2003 Child Care and Early Education Research Connections (CCEERC)
2004 Data Sharing for Demographic Research (DSDR)
2005 Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN)
2006 Resource Center for Minority Data (RCMD)
2007 Pre-Kindergarten through Third Grade Archive (PreK-3rd)
2007 International Data Resource Center (IDRC)
2007 Terrorism Preparedness Data Resource Center (TPDRC)
2008 Integrated Fertility Survey Series (IFSS)
2009 National Addiction & HIV/AIDS Digital Archive Program (NAHDAP)
2009 NCAA Student-Athlete Experiences Data Archive
2009 China Multi-Generational Panel Dataset – Liaoning
2009 Teaching With Data
2010 The Center for Population Research in LGBT Health's Population Research in Sexual Minority Health (PRISM) Data Archive
2012 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Multiple Chronic Conditions (AHRQ MCC) Research Network
2012 Education Research Data Sharing Initiative (AERA-ICPSR partnership)
2012 Measures of Effective Teaching Longitudinal Database (MET LDB)
2013 Seek, Test, Treat, & Retain (STTR) Data Harmonization Initiative
2013 HIV Open Data Project
2014 Archive of Data on Disability to Enable Policy and research (ADDEP)
2015 National Archive of Data on Arts & Culture (NADAC)
2016 Civic Learning, Engagement, & Action Data Sharing (CivicLEADS)
2016 Open Data Flint
2017 DataLumos
2018 US Census Data Repository
2019 Child and Family Data Archive
2020 Data Archive for Interdisciplinary Research on Learning (DAIRL)
2021 COVID-19 Data Repository

Size of ICPSR's Holdings

Curated holdings as of April 2024

On-Demand* Total Members Public
Studies 8,880 5,396 3,484
Datasets 72,548 32,122 40,426
Files 236,926 94,427 142,499
ASCII data files 41,706 23,925 17,781
SAS setup and transport files 43,267 16,387 26,880
SPSS setup, portable, and system files 34,627 13,830 20,797
Stata setup, system, and dictionary files 51,065 17,974 33,091
Documentation files (public, by definition) 24,559   24,559
*On-Demand: every file in each of these studies is downloadable
Restricted** Total Members Public
Studies 2,568 312 2,256
Datasets 14,585 1,069 13,516
Files 143,386 10,755 132,631
ASCII data files 11,479 823 10,656
SAS setup and transport files 27,225 2,080 25,145
SPSS setup, portable, and system files 21,129 1,596 19,533
Stata setup, system, and dictionary files 35,328 2,588 32,740
Documentation files (public, by definition) 29,619   29,619
**Restricted: each study has at least one file that is not downloadable

Note that counts do not include union catalog entries (data described but not held at ICPSR) or self-deposited projects.