Projects at ICPSR

Acting as a global leader in data stewardship now and into the future is part of ICPSR’s mission. Our projects are often collaborative efforts involving researchers, institutions, and organizations worldwide, contributing to the richness and diversity of the data collection. Here, we highlight some of our current projects in data stewardship and social science research, and the people behind this important work.


College and Beyond II (CBII)

College and Beyond II (CBII) is a new data resource for studying the impact and outcomes of higher education. It contains student record and transcript data on bachelor’s-seeking undergraduates enrolled from 2000-2021 at 19 public colleges across seven university systems. In total, CBII contains data on over 1 million students. These data are linked to qualitative data on course content, survey data on long-term life outcomes, National Student Clearinghouse data on educational attainment, and more. College and Beyond II was produced by a team of researchers from the University of Michigan and supported by a grant from The Mellon Foundation.


Computational Approaches for the Construction of Novel Macroeconomic Data

This project will develop an economic dataset construction system that takes as input economic expertise as well as social media data; will deploy a data construction service that hosts this construction tool; and will use this tool and service to build an "economic datapedia," a compendium of user-curated economic datasets that are collectively published online.


ICPSR Publications on Data Stewardship

To address a broad range of subjects related to data stewardship, ICPSR staff and researchers have authored white papers and reports, as well as published articles. Some of these documents are the outcome of funded projects, while others outline ICPSR policy or training.


The Education Research Data Sharing Initiative

This project aims to build on the expertise and experience in the AERA Grants Program to promote high quality analyses of underutilized data, enable sustained contributions with such data through training and capacity building, and support research capable of adding foundational knowledge of wide significance about teaching and learning in STEM fields.



A community and repository for researchers involved in combining datasets, facilitating comparison of different algorithms, and promoting transparency and replicability of research. We invite computer scientists, statisticians, and social, behavioral, economic, and health scientists to deposit code and/or data, and to join the conversation.


Measures of Effective Teaching Longitudinal Database

This collection provides access to quantitative data and classroom videos created by the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) project, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)

The MCC Evidence Platform encourages the use of MCC's data, documentation, and analysis as global public goods to support mutual accountability for the agency and its country partners, and to encourage learning from measured results.


New Methods to Support Census Bureau Record Linkage

Undertaking research that will improve Census capabilities for entity resolution and record linkage.


PEERS Data Hub

The data hub is a collaborative space for diverse education researchers and research communities to use wide-ranging data and advance knowledge through sharing innovative ideas, methods, and tools.


Registry of Efficacy and Effectiveness Studies (REES)

REES is a place to register basic study information and pre-analysis plans for education studies designed to establish causal conclusions. Eligible designs include randomized trials, quasi-experimental designs, regression discontinuity designs, and single-case designs.


Research Data Ecosystem

The Research Data Ecosystem will make research data accessible to broaden participation in the frontiers of scientific research. It will accomplish this goal by modernizing the existing software platform so that it supports the entire research lifecycle with an enhanced user experience to increase the ability of researchers to safely and securely access, connect, store, and manipulate data.



ResearchDataGov is a web portal for discovering and requesting access to restricted microdata from federal statistical agencies


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